
Sat, May 31, 2025 00:00
A carefully curated sequence of music, to include some rare Renaissance music by Cipriano de Rore, Palestrina, and Massaino, as well as great pieces by Gibbons, Wilbye, Monteverdi and Sir Hubert Parry. Da Pacem Domine – Cipriano de Rore Alleluia surrexit Dominus  - Jacquet de Berchem O Jesu Christ - Jacquet de Mantau Illuminare Jerusalem - Massaino Dominus Illuminatio - Stivori Salvator mundi - Palestrina Benedictus Benedicat - Hoad At Water's Edge - Dunphy

I weigh not fortune's frown - Gibbons Adieu, sweet Amaryllis - Wilbye Rest sweet nymphs - Pilkington O Mirtillo - Monteverdi Orpheus with his lute - McFarren Under the greenwood tree - Moeran Never weather beaten sail - Parry

This will be performed by luminatus vocal ensemble, 'a choir of exceptional ability', directed by David Bray. Each singer is an established soloist, creating a 'rich' and 'vibrant' sound. Their ground-breaking recent recordings have been hailed as 'excellent, and a 'remarkable achievement', breaking new ground in shining light onto some relatively unknown Renaissance pieces and music by contemporary composers, especially females. Find out more at our website and join our mailing list to get a discount on this, and future events. You can hear the group on spotify, or on YouTube  
Sat, June 28, 2025 19:30
A carefully curated sequence of music to include some rare Renaissance music by Tallis, Palestrina, Guerrero and Allegri, as well as great pieces by Monteverdi, Holst, Part, Daley and Brahms.   Kyrie - missa Iste sanctus - Guerrero                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Salvator mundi - Palestrina Sancte Deus - Tallis Miserere - Allegri Da Pacem Domine - Cipriano de Rore Ave Verum - Shelley God be merciful - Skold The deer's cry - Part Rest sweet nymphs - Pilkington O Mirtillo - Monteverdi Il et bel et bon - Passeron I love my love - trad. Arr. Holst Waldesnacht - Brahms O ye who taste - Daley Shenendoah - Trad. Arr. Erb This will be performed by luminatus vocal ensemble, 'a choir of exceptional ability', directed by David Bray. Each singer is an established soloist, creating a 'rich' and 'vibrant' sound. Their ground-breaking recent recordings have been hailed as 'excellent, and a 'remarkable achievement', breaking new ground in shining light onto some relatively unknown Renaissance pieces and music by contemporary composers, especially females. Find out more at our website and join our mailing list to get a discount on this, and future events. You can hear the group on spotify, or on YouTube Music by Cipriano de Rore

Photos by Mike Cooter