CD review

O Beata Virgo Maria – Review by Laudate Magazine “O Beata Virgo Maria is a fine disc with much to appeal to lovers of a cappella mixed-voice ensembles” Review: The singing is wonderful. luminatus (they prefer an initial lower-case letter) is a ‘small, but flexible group’ who specialise in little-known Renaissance music and in contemporary repertoire. … Read more

The music of Tiburtio Massaino

Massaino was probably born in Cremona around 1550. Little else is known about the Massaino family, except that he had a brother named Luke, who was head of the Venetian soldiers in Crete. Massaino entered the Augustinian order of the Aelongsian Eremitani, probably in the Piacenza convent of Santa Lorenzo. By 1571 he was in … Read more